Pro Bono HK x EOC x Deacons - Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace
Pro Bono HK is delighted to have organised our latest legal education seminar on "Preventing Sexual Harassment in the Workplace" as part of a series supported by the Equal Opportunities Commission ("EOC") that took place on 14 September 2023.
We thank Deacons for their generosity in hosting our event and to Cynthia Chung, Partner and Head of Employment and Pensions of Deacons, for providing an engaging discussion with Stella Yu, Head of HR of MTR, explaining what amounts to sexual harassment with examples, practical preventative policies, addressing concerns surrounding potential employer liabilities, and experience implementing complaint handling protocols. We also thank the audience of HR, DEI advocates, executives across industries and other professionals for attending as well as our volunteers Chantal Chung, David Lee, Davyd Wong for organising the event.